86 research outputs found

    Energy Transition Narratives in Spain: A Case Study of As Pontes

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    [Abstract] The energy transition is one of the most important processes of the last decade in Spain, affecting all aspects of life (social, political, economic and demographic). Its main objective is to eventually replace the fossil-fuel-based energy matrix with renewable energy sources to avoid climate change and meet sustainable development goals. This transition has affected a large number of population groups and institutions in carbon-intensive regions such as As Pontes, who are the main stakeholders in this process. These stakeholders have generated different narratives around the implementation of decarbonization policies and their short- and long-term impacts on the local population and the territory. These narratives affect the acceptance and pace of implementation of decarbonization measures and policies adopted by national and regional governments. Based on a qualitative analysis of published material (press articles, policy reports published by central and regional governments, reports published by environmental groups, financial institutions and large companies), this article first identifies the different stakeholders involved in the decarbonization process and maps them according to their power and interest in the energy transition process and then highlights the prevalent energy transition narratives, with their impact on the pace of the energy transition in Spain, focusing on the case of As Pontes. The results show that the narratives propagated by different stakeholders have a great impact on the acceptance of the decarbonization policies and measures adopted by the central government and the pace of the energy transition in different parts of Spain, including the region of As Pontes

    Slow Food Movement: Case Study Report

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    Theme [ssh.2013.3.2-1] [Social Innovation- Empowering People, changing societies] Project Full Title: “Transformative Social Innovation Theory project”[Abstract] This report presents the results of a case study developed on the Slow Food movement within the EU-FP7 funded TRANSIT Proyect. Slow Food is a International association founded to counter the rise of fast food and fast life. Slow Food demands a shift of paradigm towards a new food system, based on the defense of biodiversity, respect for local cultures and community empowerment. Slow Food envisions a world in which all people can access and enjoy quality food produced in a sustainable and fair way.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 61316

    Understanding Motivations for Individual and Collective Sustainable Food Consumption: A Case Study of the Galician Conscious and Responsible Consumption Network

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    [Abstract] Although consumer attitude towards sustainable food has increased over time, scientific research suggests that more profound comprehension is needed of the social and psychological dimensions that condition consumers’ willingness to purchase food items produced in a sustainable way. The current study attempts to understand the individual motivations that drive conscious consumption, in both the individual and collective spheres, expressed through joining a local social innovation in the food domain. A multi-method design was used, which combined participatory observation, document analysis, and twenty-six in-depth interviews with members of eight local food consumption initiatives located in the Galician region (Spain). The findings reveal that sustainable food purchasing is driven by the individual’s motivation to maintain a healthy diet, pro-environmental and social values, environmental awareness, and attachment to Galician rural areas. Concerning motivations underlying people’s willingness to engage in conscious and responsible consumption initiatives, the first reason relates to the fulfilment of basic needs (affordability and accessibility to organic, low-carbon, and fair-trade goods), followed by sociopolitical goals and the aspiration to satisfying social and psychological needs such as the need for connectedness or the desire for autonomy and control over one’s purchasing decisions

    Transformative Social Innovation Narrative: Timebanking

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    Versión completa disponible en: http://www.transitsocialinnovation.eu/resource-hub/wp-4-case-study-report-timebanking[Abstract] This report provides a very short summary of a full case-study report that includes indepth case-studies of Timebanking. Both, the full case reports and this summary, were guided by four empirical research questions based upon a preliminary conceptual framework of the TRANSIT-project.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613169http://hdl.handle.net/2183/3006

    Profile Analysis and Lifestyle of people with foot pathologies

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    Las patologías de los pies son uno de los problemas de salud más comunes. Aunque algunas pueden deberse a la herencia, muchas provienen del impacto acumulado de una vida de abuso y negligencia, y de hábitos de conducta inapropiados.El análisis de los estilos de vida que caracterizan la vida cotidiana conjuntamente con la necesidad de establecer un perfil de los pacientes que acuden al podólogo, nos permite considerar la importancia de evaluar el pie y convertir esta evaluación en un indicador más del estado general de salud de un paciente. Las patologías que afectan a los pies pueden ser de diversa índole: articulares, musculares, esqueléticas, ortopédicas, metabólicas, vasculares, neuropáticas, o dermícas, y todas ellas son relevantes para la vida y el mantenimiento de la independencia. Por ello, la prevención de ciertos hábitos y estilos de vida que contribuyan a la pérdida de autonomía e independencia funcional, constituye un aspecto clave.En este artíulo se describen los resultados de un estudio cuantitativo llevado a cabo con 200 pacientes, de ambos sexos, sin restricciones de esdad, que acuden a una clínica de podología.Para la recogida de datos se diseñó un cuestionario ad hoc que permitió obtener informació precisa acerca del perfil del paciente, en general, y de características específicas definitorias de ese perfil: sociodemográficas, conductas vinculadas a los estilos de vida, hábitos cotidianos, valoración de la relevancia subjetiva, conductas preventivas, así como percepción y motivación.Los resultados hacen hincapié en la importancia de los estudios relacionados con la percepción social del podólogo y las patologías de los pies, así como en la necesidad de incorporar información subjetiva al análisis de la problemática del pie y de aquellos comportamientos que implican riesgos para la salud podal del ser humano. Esta perspectiva contribuye a la realización de análisis en profundidad del significado social de la podología, y el modo mejor de afrontar el cada vez mayor número de enfermedades que pueden mermar la calidad de vida, debido a la persistencia de determinadas conductas, potencialmente generadoras de riesgo de enfermedades en los pies.Foot ailments are among the most common or our health problems. Although some can be traced to heredity, many stem from the cumulative impact of a lifetime of abuse and neglect, as well as non-appropiate behavior habits. The analysis of lifestyles characterizing the everyday life, together with the need to establish a profile of patients attending who visit a podologist, allow us to consider the importance of assessing the foot and converting this assessment in an indicator of the general state of health of a patient. Diseases that affect the feet can be of various kinds: joint, muscle, skeletal, orthopedic, metabolic, vascular, neuropathic, or skin, and all of then are relevant for the life and for maintaining our independence, is a key aspect.In this article, results of a quantitative study carried out with 200 patients of both genders, without restrictions of age who attend a podiatry clinic, are described. For collecting data, a questionnaire ad hoc was designed. It allowed to obtain accurate information about the profile of the patient, in general, and of the speific characteristics of that profile: socio-demographical, behavior linked to lifestyles, everyday habits, subjective relevance, preventing behaviors, as well as perception and motivation.Results focus in the relevance of social perception studies of podologist and foot deseases, as well as in the need of incorporating subjective information in the analysis of the foot problems, and those behaviours involving risks for foot health of the human beings. This perspective contribute to the deeper analysis of the social meaning of podology, and the best way to deal with the increasing number of diseases that can reduce the quality of life, due the persistence of some behaviours, potentially generating risk of foot diseases

    Survey on public perceptions of environmental risks

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    The European Commission's Environment Directorate-General (DG Environment) has published Survey on public perceptions of environmental risks, a report of research conducted by CEP with partners at the University of A Coruña (Spain), the University of Latvia, Oikos (Slovenia), Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) and the West University of Timisoara (Romania).[Abstract] The aim of this project was to understand the differences between public perception and scientific assessment of environmental risks and the main factors influencing the evolution of public perspectives in Europe. The project used a mixed methodology research approach, including a survey of experts and focus groups with members of the public. Overall, the environmental risks seen as being of highest concern by members of the public were similar to the top risks identified by experts. However, consumption habits appeared high in the list of concerns for experts but was generally ranked much lower across the focus groups. Waste was an issue of concern to public participants that was not ranked highly by experts. Factors that influence lay perceptions of risk include individual identity and background, collective cultural, institutional and socio-political systems, social values and degree of trust in authorities. A number of qualitative characteristics of environmental risks were also found to influence many aspects of lay assessments of environmental risks. These included factors such as scale and severity, proximity and personal control. Discussions in the focus groups showed that many people were using multiple sources of information to develop their understanding of what are often complex environmental issues

    Analysis of Podiatric Prevention. A study throught Internet

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    La existencia en la sociedad actual de un gran número de enfermedades, inicialmente no relacionadas con patologías en los pies (por ej. diabetes, obesidad, trastornos cardiovasculares, estrés..), con potencial para mermar la calidad de vida del paciente, ha favorecido la aparición de conductas eventualmente generadoras de riesgo de enfermedad en los pies.En la medida en que tales enfermedades suponen transformaciones importantes en la morfología estructural del cuerpo en general, y del pie en particular, plantean demandas que, a su vez, requieren la adopción de medidas concretas de intervención podológica. En este artículo se describen los resultados de un estudio cuantitativo llevado a cabo a través de internet por medio de una aplicación telemática que evalúa conductas generadoras de riesgo de la salud del pie. Los resultados hacen hincapié en la importancia de los estudios relacionados con la percepción social del podólogo y de las patologías de los pies, así como en la necesidad de incorporar información subjetiva al análisis de la problemática del pie y de aquellos comportamientos que implican riesgos para la salud podal del ser humano. Esta perspectiva contribuye a la realización de análisis en profundidad del significado social de la podología, y el modo mejor de afrontar el cada vez mayor número de enfermedades que pueden mermar la calidad de vida, debido a la persistencia de determinadas conductas, potencialmente generadoras de riesgo de enfermedades en los pies.The existence in today’s society a large number of diseases, initially unrelated to foot pathology (eg. Diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disorders, stress...), with the potential to diminish the quality of life for patients, has resulted the emergence of behavior eventually generating disease risk in the feet. To the extent that these diseases represent major changes in the structural morphology of the body in general and in particular standing pose demands, in turn, require the adoption of concrete measures podiatric intervention. In this article, results of a quantitative study carried out with 200 patients of both genders, without restrictions of age who attend a podiatry clinic, are described. For collecting data, a questionnaire ad hoc was designed. It allowed to obtain accurate information about the profile of the patient, in general, and of the specific characteristics of that profile: socio-demographical, behavior linked to lifestyles, everyday habits, subjective relevance, preventing behaviours, as well as perception and motivation. Results focus in the relevance of social perception studies of podologist and foot diseases, as well as in the need of incorporating subjective information in the analysis of the foot problems, and those behaviours involving risks for foot health of the human beings. This perspective contribute to the deeper analysis of the social meaning of podology, and the best way to deal with the increasing number of diseases that can reduce the quality of life, due the persistence of some behaviours, potentially generating risk of foot diseases

    TRANSIT Deliverable 2.3. Cross-cutting theme: Social Learning

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    Theme [ssh.2013.3.2-1][Social Innovation- Empowering People, changing societies]Project Full Title: “Transformative Social Innovation Theory project”[Abstract] The object of the present deliverable is the integration of the main outcomes of empirical research and integration activities developed within the TRANSIT project on the cross-cutting theme of “social learning” as well as the distilling of main insights for the development of “practical briefs and tools”. Deliverable 2.3 reports on the outcomes of these activities, and consists of the following sections: 1. Working paper: " The role of social learning in transformative social innovations" 2. Synthesis of the third integration workshop: Motivations, relations and transformations. The role of social learning in individual and collective agency for social innovation 3. Social Learning with PEERs: Practitioner Engagement for Empowering Reflections 4. Insights on Social Learning for Transformative Social Innovation Practice (input for practice brief and practice tool.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 61316

    Timebanking: Case Study Report

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    Theme [ssh.2013.3.2-1][Social Innovation- Empowering People, changing societies]. Project Full Title: “Transformative Social Innovation Theory project”First full draft: 13 February 2015Versión resumida disponible en: http://www.transitsocialinnovation.eu/resource-hub/transformative-social-innovation-narrative-timebanking[Abstract] This case study report focuses on how timebanking initiatives are organised both through networks and, sometimes, as stand-alone initiatives. The transnational network organisation under study is the hOurworld organisation. The case study also has two local cases: the UK and Spain. The study was guided by four empirical research questions based upon a preliminary conceptual framework of the TRANSIT-project. The four questions concern: 1 the overall development of the local cases and the transnational network(ing); 2 how they relate to different types of change and innovation (incl. social innovation, system innovation, game- changers, narratives of change and societal transformation); 3 how actors are empowered and/or disempowered in and by the local cases and the transnational network(ing), including topics such as governance, learning, resourcing and monitoring; 4 what are other relevant emergent issues with regard to understanding the dynamics of transformative social innovation.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613169http://hdl.handle.net/2183/3006

    The Role of Food Coops as Informal Spaces for environmental Education

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    O congreso celebrouse os días 1, 2 e 3 de setembro de 2021 na Universidade do Minho, no Campus de Gualtar, en Braga, Portugal, co patrocinio da Associação Científica Internacional de Psicopedagogia (ACIP) e organizado por docentes das Universidades do Minho e da Coruña.[Resumen] Esta investigación holística sobre las innovaciones sociales de base en el ámbito alimentario examina los factores individuales y sociales que influyen en las prácticas de consumo consciente y responsable. Se ha adoptado un enfoque cualitativo, empleando técnicas de observación participante, análisis documental y entrevistas en profundidad a una muestra de 26 activistas en 8 iniciativas de consumo consciente integrantes de la “Rede Galega de Consumo Consciente e Responsable”. Los resultados contribuyen a comprender el papel que las formas autoorganizativas de consumo colectivo desempeñan en la promoción de estilos de vida verdes. Las iniciativas de consumo son espacios de experimentación colectiva que favorecen los procesos de aprendizaje en la esfera individual y en el ámbito colectivo de los participantes, transformando significados, competencias y estructuras compartidas. El contexto interno de este tipo de iniciativas de base, facilita procesos de aprendizaje y competencia para la acción, que conducen a la adopción de conductas proambientales en un contexto más amplio. En conclusión, las cooperativas y grupos de consumo se constituyen como formas innovadoras de participación ambiental, que fomentan la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas como resultado de la acción colaborativa, la interacción social y la reflexión conjunta que se da en el seno de dichas iniciativas de innovación social.[Abstract] This holistic research on rassroots social innovations in the food domain examines the individual and social factors that motivate and influence collective conscious and responsible consumption practices. A qualitative multi-method approach has been employed, using in-depth interviews, participant observation and extent document analysis. 26 in-depth interviews have been conducted with participants actively engaged in 8 locally-based food coops belonging to the “Galician network of conscious and responsible consumption". The results contribute to the understanding of the role that bottom-up, self-organizing forms of collective consumption play in the promotion of green lifestyles. The internal context of such grassroots initiatives – as voluntary-based initiatives based on active participation- enables empowering and learning processes that lead to pro-environmental behaviour in a wider context. Galician food coops function as spaces for collective experimentation that favour learning processes in the individual sphere and in the collective sphere of the participants, transforming shared meanings, competences and structures. In conclusion, the study highlights the relevance of the social learning processes that emerge within the conscious consumption initiatives that constitute innovative formulas for environmental participation, which encourages the acquisition of new knowledge, abilities and skills as a result of collaborative action, social interaction and joint reflection that occur in these grassroots innovations.https://congreso-xvigp.asocip.com/index.php/pt/programacao/actas-do-congres